Our small public airfield is located in southern York County Pennsylvania and is dedicated to ultralight and light sport aircraft enthusiasts. For info call 717-235-6724 or email shoestringair@aol.com. This public airport is privately owned and uses no state or federal funding.

For current Shoestring Airport wind conditions:

Weather data updates at one minute intervals - 


Weather Summary - (shows the wind/gusts over the last 10 minutes)


10-day weather forecast -


Winds aloft for PPGs -



For FAA info:





Drone video - our two left hand (fixed wing) traffic patterns. Courtesy of Hover Solutions:



A few airfield flight videos:







A few fixed wing Ultralight prime contenders:








Some Powered Parachute/Paragliding info:  (PPC or PPG?)



    https://www.paraflightnc.com  (Now here in central and eastern PA.)


    http://www.usppa.org/   (This website also includes a helpful incident database)



The gray zone - rotary wing ultralights:





EAA info:



The United States Ultralight Association:



Closest current 2-place fixed wing ultralight instruction site:



Beginners Guide to Ultralight Flying (1994!) :

       Note the Quicksilver Sprint commentary at 1:03:33 and flight demonstration at 1:13:15


       An updated version by same author...  



Ultralight and Light Sport magazine:
